Privacy Policy

Information to the user of the existence of a file and request for consent for automated data processing. In relation to the personal data provided by those interested in the forms enabled on the website, it is informed that the current regulations on the protection of personal data are strictly adhered to and that the data provided, in if applicable, they will be included in a file under the responsibility of Jewelry Classic (hereinafter, Responsible for the file) for their treatment in accordance with the purposes described in this Privacy Policy and in the forms enabled in each case, with the interested parties giving consent for said treatment by accepting this privacy policy or by sending information by any means provided on the website.


Purpose of the data.The Person in charge of the file collects certain personal data that are voluntarily entered by the users in the different forms that exist on the website. The data is used both to respond to requests for information made through the contact form, and to contact users to notify them of incidents, news or any information of interest about their services, as well as to manage orders requested in each case. Likewise, the contact information provided is used to send, by electronic means or not, offers and newsletters of interest, own and / or partners of the Responsible for the file, to users who have indicated that they wish to receive this type of information through the check the corresponding box during registration or in the section enabled in private area.


Mandatory data. The fields in which an asterisk (*) appears on existing forms are those that require a mandatory response and if not covered, the consequence would be the impossibility of consulting or contracting the services offered.


Rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition. Those interested can exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, and revoke the consent given in each case for the treatment and / or transfer of their data, at any time by requesting it by mail Postcard to Classic Jewelry at the following address: Av. de los Playeros, Nº22, 38650 Los Cristianos, Santa Cruz de Tenerife; Or, by sending an email to In any case, the request for a copy of the official document proving the identity of the owner of the data must be accompanied.

Responsible for the treatment.The Responsible for the processing of the data is Classic Jewelry, with address located at Av. De los Playeros, Nº22, 38650 Los Cristianos, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The Data Controller has duly registered his files in the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, being able to consult them at


Data transfer. The data provided by the interested parties are not transferred to third parties, unless expressly authorized by the person in charge of the file, and they are only communicated, where appropriate, in order to manage the information requested by users and manage the services that are lend. The communication of the data is linked to the very purpose for which the data has been entered and therefore related to the free and legitimate acceptance of the existing legal relationship between the interested parties and the Responsible for the file, whose development, compliance and control imply necessarily the connection of the data and that includes the necessary transmission of the same. By accepting this privacy policy, the interested parties declare to have been informed and consent, without reservation, the communication of their data in the terms indicated in this clause. Those interested may revoke the consent given as indicated in this policy.


Security: The person in charge of the file ensures the absolute confidentiality and privacy of the personal data processed, adopting for it the security measures, of a technical and / or organizational nature, necessary to avoid the alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access to the data , thus guaranteeing data security. The Responsible for the file will not respond in any case of the incidents that may arise around personal data when they derive well from an attack or unauthorized access to the systems in such a way that it is impossible to detect by the security measures implemented.

Cookies.The person responsible for the file only uses, where appropriate, cookies to carry out the exchange of data through electronic communications networks, or when these are strictly necessary for the provision of a functionality, which is part of a service of the company of the information, expressly requested by the user. In the event that the use of cookies does not fulfill any of the purposes indicated, the Responsible for the file will request the user's informed consent for the use of said data storage and retrieval devices on their equipment (e.g. through a pop-up window or the configuration by the user of the browser or other applications, during its installation or update). The cookies that are used do not contain personal information that identifies the user, nor can they be used to access through them to data that the interested parties may have on their equipment or terminal. The identity of the interested parties is never inserted directly into the cookie and therefore is not interceptable. In any case, the user can configure his browser so that cookies are not installed or to receive an on-screen warning every time a cookie wants to be installed, being able to decide at any time whether he wants to accept it or not.


Veracity of the data. The interested parties are responsible for the veracity of the data provided, agreeing not to enter false data and to proceed to modify them if necessary.

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