Terms and general conditions of use


This document establishes the General Contract Conditions of the joyeriaclassic.com website, which has as its object the sale of products to Joyería Classic, S.L. (hereinafter, the Owner), with NIF B-38913901 and address located at Av. de los Playeros, Nº22, 38650 Los Cristianos, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, by of individuals and / or legal entities (hereinafter, Contracting Party) that express their willingness to purchase the products made available on the website joyeriaclassic.com, through the request made by electronic means -specifically, via the Internet- through that website owned by the Owner.



These General Terms and Conditions of sale are displayed on a permanent basis on the website joyeriaclassic.com, owned by the Owner, whereby all users can archive, print and, therefore, be previously informed of the conditions of the price, characteristics, rights and, in general , of all the conditions in which the sale will be made.

Also, these General Conditions are reiterated together with a summary of the specific request - specific product contracted, cost with indication of taxes if applicable, shipping costs, etc. - for express acceptance by the Employer - by clicking on "I read and accept the conditions" - whenever a specific request for products is made through the website. The Contracting Party will have a secure area that you will access with a username and password that is where the purchase is completed and where you can track your orders.

It is not technically possible for the Contracting Party to finalize the application without acceptance of these General Conditions. So that the Contracting Party can make this acceptance and, therefore, make the request, it must cover a form with its basic data where it makes the specific order, by means of which it accepts these Conditions.

The Contracting Party, upon accepting these conditions, gives its express and unreserved consent for the Owner to carry out the necessary collection operations for the acquisition of the products it contracts, expressly authorizing Jewelers Classic, SL, to make the collections in the payment methods that he himself has selected and / or introduced from the secure area, enabled for this purpose, in accordance with Law 16/2009, of November 13, on payment services.

These General Conditions, together with the specific request made through the Internet by the Contracting Party -particular conditions- imply the formalization of the purchase agreement between the Owner and the Contracting Party that declares to be of legal age, have sufficient capacity to contract and have read, understood and accepted these conditions.

The Owner, at the time of contracting and within a period not exceeding twenty-four hours, sends to the email address, which the Employer has specified in the registration form as the main contact route: confirmation of the contracted product, cost, with breakdown of taxes if applicable, as well as shipping costs if necessary.

Any subsequent modification of these General Conditions will be, on the one hand, notified to the Employer via email one month in advance and on the other, clearly displayed in a place easily accessible on the website joyadiseno.com. All the aforementioned documentation may be printed and filed by the Employer and may be requested at any time by Customer Service via email sent to info@joyaoro.com, or by telephone, by calling +34 649 48 40 59.

Any request for information, or claim that is deemed pertinent, may be submitted to the Customer Service in the signs identified in the previous paragraph.


By this contract, the Owner undertakes to deliver to the Employer the products that he has requested through the website joyadiseno.com in exchange for a certain price and in accordance with the conditions set out below.



3.1. Product delivery. The Owner undertakes to deliver the product in perfect condition, within a period of 2 to 7 working days, at the address indicated by the Employer on the order form which contains the particular conditions that are attached to these general conditions. The Owner will not be responsible for the errors caused in the delivery when the data entered by the Contracting Party in the order form do not conform to reality or have been omitted.

3.2. Owner's responsibility the Owner in no case will be responsible in relation to:

3.2.1. Errors, delays in access by the Employer at the time of entering your information in the order form, the slowness or impossibility of order confirmation or any anomaly that may arise when these incidents are due to problems in the Internet network , causes of fortuitous event or force majeure and any other unforeseeable contingency beyond the good faith of the Owner. In any case, the Owner undertakes to solve the problems that may arise and to offer all the necessary support to the Employer to arrive at a quick and satisfactory solution of the incident.

3.2.2. Of the errors or damages produced by an inefficient use of the service and in bad faith by the Contracting Party.

3.2.3. Of the non-operability of the email address provided by the Employer for the sending of the order confirmation.

3.2.4. The Owner has absolute responsibility for the quality of the products admitting the return of the same as long as they are defective or do not reach the Contracting Party in proper condition. The Employer must make the claim of the return through the website itself in its specific section in order to make an effective follow-up of the incident. The Owner shall be responsible, in this case, for the expenses incurred as a result of such return provided that the Contracting Party communicates this fact, within seven days from the date of delivery and the product has not been consumed or altered in any way. case. The Owner is exempt from any liability in relation to possible breakages or defects of the product produced after the delivery thereof, also, the Owner will not have any responsibility in relation to those products that have already been consumed or used without any type of incident. by the Contracting Party that intends to make a claim. The Contractor, before signing the delivery of the order must check that the product is delivered in perfect condition, if it gives its agreement at the time of delivery is understood by both parties that the product was delivered correctly and therefore, the possible deterioration is It produces after its delivery.

3.2.5. The Contracting Party expressly waives its right to claim any contractual or extra-contractual liability for possible damages or losses arising from the aforementioned clause. In any case, the responsibility of the Owner if it fails to comply with what is stated in this agreement under the terms of these general conditions will be limited to the refund of the amount that, if applicable, the Contracting Party could have paid and always after a refund by the Contracting Party of the product. in question.


4.1. RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL: The client will have a maximum of 15 calendar days from the reception of the order to process their return, according to the applicable legislation. Once these 15 days have passed, Joyería Classic, S.L. will not accept said return.

For the processing of a return, the user must contact Jewelers Classic, S.L. on the telephone +34 649 48 40 59, from where the necessary steps will be taken, under the following conditions:

The product must be returned in its original packaging and condition, including the proof of purchase and the delivery note of the product, as well as the reason for the return.

The return must be sent to: Av. de los Playeros, Nº22, 38650 Los Cristianos, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

4.2. RIGHT OF DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS: If the product is not in optimal conditions and / or presents a defect, it may be returned within a maximum period of 15 calendar days from the reception of the order, replacing it. The user will have the right to claim, and to be delivered, an equal product, in perfect condition. In the event that the product is not available, the company will proceed to refund the amount that the customer has paid, including shipping costs, according to the form of payment used in the purchase.

In the specific case of defective products, or those that do not match the order placed by the customer, the latter will not have to pay the return costs of said products.

4.3. REIMBURSEMENT: Provided that the user has adjusted to the aforementioned conditions, Joyería Classic, S.L. he will proceed to the reimbursement of the price paid by him corresponding to the products returned. In case of return for withdrawal, Joyería Classic, S.L. will not face the return costs.

In case of not complying with the requirements included in these General Conditions, the user will not be entitled to any refund of any amount.

If it is a partial refund, the user will be reimbursed the corresponding amount for the returned products.

Classic Jewelry, S.L. proceed to the return of the order by the same method of payment used by the user for the acquisition, within 20 days from the collection of the product and after the relevant verification of the status of said product.



5.1. Payment. The Contracting Party undertakes to pay the amount for the product actually requested in the following amount and form:

5.1.1. Amount. The remuneration for the product actually requested by the Contracting Party will be that indicated on the website and that which appears on the specific request of the Contracting Party at any time, requests that will constitute the particular conditions of the specific order. The prices of the products that appear on the website always appear with taxes included.

The older, at the price listed on the website for each of the products offered must be added the relevant shipping costs. When dealing with rates that the Owner does not apply at any time, it is necessary to keep in mind that they will always be those officially offered by the transport company and that the Owner will not generate any benefit for these rates by communicating the overall cost of both the product and the Shipping costs always broken down previously to the Employer before confirmation by the buyer of the purchase request. These rates will depend on the volume and weight of the products purchased.

5.1.2. Payment Methods. The Contracting Party must pay the amount corresponding to the contracted product through the payment methods available on the website. They are the following: Paypal, bank transfer and credit or debit card.

5.2. Withdrawal The products offered in joyadiseno.com admit the right of withdrawal in seven days as long as the product is returned under the same conditions in which it was delivered and the costs of return are borne by the Contracting Party -see clause 3.2.4.- unless the product has been delivered in poor condition or deteriorated.

5.3. Responsibility of the Employer. In any case, it shall be the responsibility of the Contracting Party:

5.3.1. The Employer assumes all risks of deterioration, impairment, damage and loss of the products from the moment they have been made available by the third party who, on behalf of the Owner, delivers the requested products.

5.3.2. The Contracting Party undertakes to check the good condition of the product before the third party who, on behalf of the Owner, makes the delivery of the requested product, verification that will be made prior to the signing of the receipt of the delivery made.


The Owner and the Employer may terminate this contract for any of the causes established in the laws and in particular for the breach of these General Conditions. There is also a need for withdrawal, as indicated in clause 4.2. of the present general conditions.



The Owner informs that the own contents, the programming and the design of the website joyadiseno.com, are fully protected by the author's rights, being expressly prohibited any reproduction, communication, distribution and transformation of the said protected elements unless express consent of the Owner. The Owner uses external sources for the preparation of their articles on certain occasions and also establishes links or hyperlinks to articles or information from third parties, always citing the source. The legitimate owner of the copyright of this information thus included may request at any time the elimination of the aforementioned references. The trademarks and copyrights of the products that the Owner sells through the website belong to their legitimate owners.



These general conditions are governed by Spanish legislation. The Courts of Ourense are competent to resolve any dispute or conflict arising out of these general conditions, the Contractor expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to it.



In the event that any clause of this document is declared void, the other clauses will remain in force and will be interpreted taking into account the will of the parties and the purpose of these conditions. The Owner may not exercise any of the rights and powers conferred in this document which will not imply any waiver of the same unless expressly acknowledged by the Owner.

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